For the fifth year, Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, announces its financial and non-financial results together for the first semester of 2019. Each quarter, Schneider Electric publishes 21 indicators from the Schneider Sustainability Impact, measuring progress towards its ambitious sustainability commitments for 2018 to 2020, in line with the COP 21 and United Nations objectives. With a total score of 6.78 out of 10 in Q2 2019, the Group is in a good way to meeting the Schneider Sustainability Impact target of 7 out of 10 for the end of 2019.

The non-financial results by indicator are as follows:

Gilles Vermot Desroches, Sustainability Senior VP at Schneider Electric, commented: “As we were closing in on Overshoot Day, this July 29th, the earliest date in human history (20 days earlier than 10 years ago, 56 in front of 2000 Overshoot day), Schneider Electric stepped up their efforts for a sustainable world. With Schneider Sustainability Impact, Schneider Electric is engaging its global ecosystem so that all can benefit from safe, reliable and clean energy while taking action towards inclusive growth. Our partnership with the Solar Impulse Foundation is proof of that commitment and a step further towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, in a spirit of partnership and shared best practice, we have published a white paper on our method to quantify saved CO2 emissions thanks to our solutions, which we hope will embark many more players on the road to carbon neutrality. External recognition is also key, and Schneider Electric demonstrates its leadership this quarter with a renewed Ecovadis gold medal and two Gartner awards for its exemplary supply chain.”

Quarter highlights


  • From early 2018 to Q2 2019, Schneider Electric has helped customers save 70 million tons of CO2, leveraging the potential from energy efficiency and renewable energies. Quantifying the CO2 savings benefits is part of the Group’s journey to deliver superior environmental value to its customers and ecosystem. Schneider Electric has developed an innovative methodology to measure induced, saved and avoided CO2 emissions during the use phase of offers, which aims at becoming an industry standard applicable across capital goods and consumer durables sectors. It is pragmatic, robust and flexible to enable fast adoption by the industry and has been verified by an independent organization.

Circular economy:

  • Schneider Electric’s Towards Zero Waste to Landfill (TZWL) initiative continues to excel, achieving 7 new sites of the Group this quarter. As the 2020 target of 200 TZWL sites approaches, Schneider Electric sites are now driving transformation in their waste management programs to progress beyond basic recovery and recycling to advanced reuse and reduction efforts. A site in Mexico, for instance, worked with a supplier to create a closed-loop logistics process that has reduced/avoided over 800 tons of waste this year, bringing its actual waste generation under 400 tons. Schneider Electric continues to strive towards innovative solutions that allow the Group to achieve more circular systems to avoid the creation of waste.

Health & Equity:

  • At Schneider Electric, it is paramount to ensure employees are trained, coached and equipped to manage their health and well-being to​ free up their energy and manage their unique life and work. The Groups 2020 ambition is that “90% of employees have access to a comprehensive Well-Being at work program”, which is comprised of two objectives. First, Well-Being learning experiences for employees to manage the different dimensions of well-being and second, access to a comprehensive standard of healthcare coverage for employees and their eligible dependents. With this ambition, Schneider Electric drives a positive impact on its collaborators’ families, community, society, and the planet. Measurement for this KPI will be presented together with the annual year-end results.


  • The “5.5 pts/100 increase in the average score of ISO26000 assessment for our strategic suppliers” indicator was up 0.5 points compared to the end of 2018. In accordance with ISO26000, the Ecovadis rating of Schneider Electric’s strategic suppliers is a key part of integrating the Group’s sustainable development strategy into its supply chain. Through this strategy, the Group aims to constantly improve environmental, ethical, labor law and human rights conditions at all its strategic suppliers. Thus the average score is up 2.3 points for this second quarter compared to the end of 2017, coming to 53.4/100, one of the highest Ecovadis ratings.
  • In May 2019 Schneider Electric has launched a new campaign related to its annual e-learning for anticorruption and extended the obligation to all employees with corresponding job codes potentially at risk of corruption, doubling their number compared to 2018. After one month, 14% of this targeted population has taken the training, with the objective to reach 100% by the end of the year. All concerned collaborators will have to take this training annually.


  • In the first half of 2019, turnover for Schneider Electric’s Access to Energy program was multiplied by 1.42 compared to 2017 half-year results. It is sharply up compared to the first quarter when it amounted to x1.09, a 140% growth. This quarter, the results were driven in particular by Southeast Asia, with sales of Solar Home Systems (solar kits to bring electricity to homes), and West Africa, with sales of teaching materials in the framework of the project “Women entrepreneurship in renewable energies” of the European Union. The aim is to provide technical training to women entrepreneurs, mainly in the solar energy field, in three target countries: Mali, Senegal and Niger. Over three years, 4,650 small and medium-sized women’s businesses are destined to benefit from this training program, but also to support their economic development. Schneider Electric won this call for proposals in a consortium led by Plan International and Care.


  • Ecovadis: Schneider Electric is awarded a gold medal in recognition of its sustainability top practices
  • Time for climate impact disclosure: Schneider Electric released its white paper on its methodology to measure induced, saved and avoided CO2 emissions during the use phase of offers. This methodology aims at becoming an industry standard applicable across capital goods and consumer durables sectors
  • The Schneider Electric Foundation partners with the Solar Impulse Foundation: The Schneider Electric Foundation will help accelerate the identification and selection of 1,000 profitable sustainability solutions and provide access to Schneider Electric experts, empowering the actions of the Solar Impulse
  • Schneider Electric has been ranked 11th in Gartner’s Top 25 Supply Chain rankings for 2019
  • Schneider Electric also won the 2019 Gartner Industrial Manufacturing Supply Chainnovator Award for its efforts in raising the digital competencies of its Global Supply Chain

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