AirCarbon Exchange (ACX), the world’s first fully digital carbon exchange, launched the AirCarbon Household Offset Token (HOT) on November 15th, 2021. Each HOT represents a carbon credit generated from an improved cooking solution project, thereby creating a new benchmark price for such credits.

Only cookstove carbon credits issued under the Gold Standard (GS) or Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) which have been certified to have achieved at least 2 UN Sustainable Development Goals (excluding SDG 13: Climate Action) or have additional VCS Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) certification will be eligible for the HOT.

“We are pleased to launch the Household Offset Token after consultations and the support of industry leaders like Terra Global. We look forward to seeing another ACX contract lead the establishment of a benchmark price in the voluntary carbon markets,” said William Pazos, Managing Director and Co-Founder of AirCarbon Exchange.

Eddie Listorti, CEO of Viridios Capital added, “As the market matures, exchanges and standardization will come into play. ACX’s new contract will provide an important price signal to the carbon market, and cookstoves in particular.”

The HOT contract will provide projects generating cookstove carbon credits a transparent, cost-effective and liquid market. “The Kulera Program in Malawi is thrilled to provide the inaugural cookstove credits to the AirCarbon Household Offset Token. The finance generated through the sales of these tokens will expand access to cookstoves for communities in Malawi, reducing pressure on forests and bringing health benefits and labor saving to women and their families in the Kulera Program,” said Leslie Durschinger, Founder and CEO of Terra Global, a partner of the Kulera Program.

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