Brambles Commits To Net-Zero Emissions By 2040 Bringing Its Deadline Forward 10 Years

Brambles has announced its commitment to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2040. The company’s pledge to a 1.5°C climate future was an essential driving force behind its five-year sustainability targets published in 2020.By pledging to align with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, Brambleswas already committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by no later than 2050. With this new roadmap to net-zero emissions, the supply chain solutions company is bringing that deadline forward by ten years.
“Global warming is one of the greatest challenges of our time and we need stronger action now. Brambles has a track record of reducing emissions through its circular business model, a range of innovative initiatives and its past achievements. These targets are an important next step in a journey that we started years ago”.
“Adopting science-based targets and bringing the net-zero deadline forward by ten years accelerates our mission to build a regenerative supply chain. By delivering on our net zero ambition and beyond, we will continue to be a sustainability global leader building the supply chains the world needs for the future.”, says Juan José Freijo, Brambles Chief Sustainability Officer.
Brambles’ new ambitious commitments are built on a solid decarbonisation roadmap, with two main milestones:
- 2030 mid-term reduction targets recently approved by the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), which include:
- 42% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions on 2020 levels. Scope 1 and 2 are the emissions generated from the consumption of fuels and purchased grid electricity in its own operations;
- 17% reduction in absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions on 2020 levels. This includes value chain emissions from purchased capital goods, upstream and downstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations and outsourced service centres, representing over 90% of Scope 3 emissions.; and
- A 2040 long-term net-zero GHG emissions target by 2040, which has been set to complement the
medium-term science-based targets. The target will encompass 100% of the company’s Scope 1, 2 and
relevant 3 emissions.
A solid roadmap towards decarbonisation
To manage this challenge effectively, Brambles has created a dedicated decarbonisation function integrated within the supply chain organisation. Working with internal and external stakeholders across multifunctional initiatives, the team has created an actionable roadmap with targets to ensure that this corporate, strategic vision becomes a reality across five continents and 60 countries.
“Our roadmap to net-zero emissions by 2040, collaboratively developed with all our regions and constructed firmly around approved SBTs, will provide our business with longer-term strategic direction and will help retain our leadership position in sustainability”, explains Marisa SánchezUrrea, Brambles Global Supply Chain Decarbonisation Director.
“We have identified the decarbonisation levers at our disposal, but also the key enablers that will allow us to achieve our targets, in particular having a supportive policy environment as well as zero emissions transport technologies and infrastructure. This, together with a clear internal action plan to embed carbon considerations into our decision-making, will ensure we accelerate our transition to a net-zero emissions business model”.
Brambles will focus on three main development areas to achieve the net-zero target:operations (directly owned and subcontracted), logistics and direct procurement. Some of the key levers for these areas include:
- Maximising the recovery and reuse of Brambles’ pallets and containers to enhance the company’s
circular model; - Renewable electricity to power Brambles’own and subcontracted sites;
- Plant and logistics optimisation including reducing empty lanes and maximising truck loads;
- Enabling the deployment of alternative fuels and zero emissions transport technologies (electric, hydrogen);
- A supplier engagement programme to support vendors with carbon accounting and target setting;
- Reducing the volume of waste and diverting it from landfill; and
- Exploring carbon insetting opportunities, including natural and technical solutions
For more information about Brambles’ decarbonisation strategy, please click here: