Hikma Further Improves Its Environmental Performance In CDP Global Climate Change Report 2019

Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (Hikma, Group) (LSE: HIK) (NASDAQ Dubai: HIK) (OTC: HKMPY) (rated Ba1/stable Moody’s and BB+/positive S&P), the multinational generic pharmaceutical company, has received a ‘B’ rating from the CDP Global Climate Change Report 2019, marking an improvement over the Company’s most recent score and placing it above the European CDP average.
CDP is an independent, not-for-profit organization aimed at enabling companies to progress towards environmental stewardship through benchmarking and comparison with peers.
Hikma was recognized for its emission reduction initiatives, governance and risk management processes, demonstrating its strong commitment and leadership in these areas. The Company also received higher-than-average marks for its work around risk disclosure, opportunity disclosure and business impact/financial planning.
“We are proud to receive this acknowledgement of the positive impact of the efforts we’ve made to improve our environmental performance,” explained Hana Ramadan, Vice President of Global Corporate Social Responsibility at Hikma. “We have amplified our efforts around sustainability, in particular to make an immediate reduction on our energy consumption levels. The recent improved score from the CDP is an important recognition of these focused efforts.”
As part of Hikma’s ‘Go Green’ initiative in 2019, the Company successfully completed its installation of photovoltaic net metering solar panels that absorb a portion of overall energy needs at facilities in Jordan and Portugal; installed charging stations for electric vehicles at Company facilities; switched its fleet of vehicles to hybrid-powered vehicles; and moved to cleaner fuel options. The Company has also elevated sustainability issues to the Compliance, Responsibility and Ethics Committee (CREC) to ensure greater Board oversight of impact efforts.
To learn more about the sustainability work at Hikma, please visit: