Sharaf DG Energy Urges The UAE To Take Charge And Switch Off Their Lights In Support Of Earth Hour 2020

Energy and environmental conservation organisation, Sharaf DG Energy supports Earth Hour 2020 by encouraging people of the UAE to switch of their lights and instead light a candle.
Sharaf DG Energy encourages residents of the UAE to go one step further than the iconic action of switching off the lights this Earth Hour, by participating in a symbolic act of lighting a candle and placing it by the window to stand in solidarity and show togetherness during this uncertain time.
Every year the WWF plans a one-hour stint where countries around the world switch off the lights, turn off the TV and save energy however possible, this year the day falls on Saturday 28th March, when the whole world will switch everything off at 8.30pm in each region’s local time.
With the recent COVID19 situation, Earth Hour is more relevant than ever, even as we practice social distancing, we show solidarity by taking a step in the direction of saving the planet. Sharaf DG Energy aims to inspire hope through tough times and raise awareness around worldwide environmental issues and promote sustainability, which is a key message in today’s current climate.
In a move to support consumers and businesses and spread further awareness of sustainability, Sharaf DG Energy has also recently announced new digital services, including online consultations that will be available to help customers learn more about energy generation and savings, along with an online webinar on the 13th April on ‘How to create an additional revenue stream with solar in times of crisis’ that will delve into the ways solar can help to reinforce access to power in times of crises such as the current Coronavirus pandemic.