Expo 2023 Doha continues to grow its list of international participants as a delegation from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan gathered in Doha to formalise their commitment and official participation.

Highlighting this knowledge and expertise, Jordan’s pavilion will demonstrate humans’ relationship with nature across the ages, demonstrating how Jordan has been able to leverage its environmental diversity and overcome challenges, particularly the global food security crisis.At the same time, Jordan will exhbit the newest technologies that are being used in light of the country’s water scarcity, including biotechnology and tissue culture, hydroponics, development of field crop varieties, such as wheat and barley, smart farming systems, permaculture, modern irrigation systems increasing water efficiency, as well as water harvesting systems and many other modern technologies.

Visitors will be invited to plunge into Jordan’s breathtaking landscapes through the pavilion that will take visitors on a journey through the country’s cities, public parks, and the Jordan Valley – a green basket of vegetables and fruits –while also raising awareness of the current challenges posed by Jordan’s desertification.

The pavilion will also invite visitors to ascend to the country’s spectacular mountains covered in trees and learn about Jordan’s medicinal and aromatic plants in a dedicated vertical garden. Following the best traditions of Arabian hospitality, Jordan’s pavilion will offer visitors an opportunity to taste the country’s food and buy traditional souvenirs and agricultural products.

The Secretary General of Jordan’s Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply and the Commissioner General of Jordan’s Pavilion at Expo 2023 Doha, Ms. Dana Al-Zoubi, said: “The Expo [2023 Doha] constitutes an opportunity for the world to exchange knowledge of climate-smart agriculture and food systems. Jordan is considered one of the world’s driest nations. Therefore, it is working on finding sustainable solutions to face the increasing environmental challenges, including water scarcity, land degradation and rising temperatures. The use of underground waters, protected cultivation, vertical farming and smart selection of plant species suitable for the environment are just some of the country’s solutions to mitigate against environmental threats.”

She added: “We are hoping to increase knowledge and awareness around horticulture and the environment for future generations. In doing this, we will enable them to continue the work of developing the desert and sustainable farming and face the ever-increasing environmental risks posed to the region. We are thankful for Qatar’s support of Jordan’s participation in the Expo 2023 Doha”.

She also emphasised that Jordan is keen to participate and that the technical delegation’s presence in this visit is intended to prepare Jordan for to take part in the Expo by conducting site visits and meeting with the relevant authorities.

His Excellency Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the State of Qatar Zaid Mufleh Al Lawzi said: “Expo 2023 Doha will be an excellent platform for multilateral cooperation, while also presenting an opportunity to boost global awareness around the problem of desertification, which is particularly acute for countries like Jordan and Qatar. We are pleased to join this extraordinary event and delighted that it is taking place in the MENA region for the first time”.

“Jordan and Qatar are brotherly countries and long-term partners, and we are delighted to see Jordan’s eagerness to participate in the Expo. Jordan’s pavilion will be a truly breathtaking experience, showcasing the beauty of this Middle Eastern country while highlighting the important challenges it is faced with. We look forward to supporting Jordan in acquainting visitors with its heritage and nature”, said Expo Commissioner General His Excellency Mr. Bader Al Dafa.

Spanning October 2nd 2023 through to and March 28th, 2024, Expo 2023 Doha will take place in the heart of Doha in Al Bidda Park, welcoming citizens and residents of Qatar, international visitors and high-level participants.

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