Middlesex University Dubai is the first University in the UAE to be part of a sustainable system for recycling ‘waste’ back into everyday products, such as clothing and accessories. The University is partnering with #SimplyBottles, a programme that recycles PET plastic and reduces plastic pollution.

The initiative, launched by the Institute of Sustainable Development (ISD) at Middlesex University Dubai, will encourage its staff and students to increase the recycling of plastic water bottles in the UAE, increase environmental sustainability practices through behavioural change and eliminate the use of Single Use Plastic (SUP) on campus.

“As a University we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and to promoting the importance of sustainability. Our ambition is to become a leader in environmental friendly practices in the UAE – in line with the country’s National Agenda for 2021” emphasised Dr Cedwyn Fernandes, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Director of Middlesex University Dubai. “

Over 150 students are actively involved in helping drive the awareness of the closed loop recycling initiative, which will culminate in a week of sustainability activities in October. “It is vital to engage the student body to educate, participate and inspire others to recycle, to contribute to the 2021 UAE vision to divert 75% of all waste from landfill” said Andrew Mackenzie, Marketing Lecturer, Business School and Environmental Lead of the Institute of Sustainable Development.

Currently less than 6% of plastic is recycled in the UAE – Middlesex’s goal is to significantly increase recycling rates, helping to drive a circular economy and reduce plastic pollution in the UAE.

Equipping students, staff and faculty with reusable water bottles and reusable cups, providing water dispensers and easy to use recycling stations across campus and driving active recycling habits, are just some of the steps the University are taking to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The students are raising awareness of the importance of clean, green living and the small ways in which individuals can make a significant difference to protecting the planet.

For more information on the Institute of Sustainable Development, visit www.mdx.ac.ae/isd

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