The American International Accreditation Association Of Schools And Colleges (AIAASC) Alignsits Quality Assurance To The United Nations 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development

The American International Accreditation Association of Schools and Colleges (AIAASC)announces its commitment to deliver accreditation that aligns with the UNSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)by introducing a set of eco-literate accreditation standards for higher education. Launching its global SDG-aligned education strategy for K-12as well as unveiling its new 2021 and beyond vision, AIAASCleadership within the American accreditation sector across the MENA region and global reaffirms its 25-year track record of excellence in quality assurance and school improvement. AIAASC continues to innovate by building new accreditation infrastructure, creating collaborative and cross-institutional networks as well as pledging good practice in engaged learning, eco-pedagogy and learning outcomes.
“We’ve had to re-strategize and re-design quality assurance to retain leadership position as we face the evolution of education landscape. Our alignment to UN SDGs and UNESCO’s ESD agenda means we will inform, facilitate, evaluate and monitor progress to ensure educators integrate this agenda into their practice. Educators will have to articulate and assess eco-literacy as key indicators for students’ learning and development. We are already aligned across eighty areas of educational design, delivery and assessment for higher education to match those of SDGs standards” said Dr. Ronald Kovach, Executive Director, AIAASC.
An integral part of its 2021 and beyond vision is the new partnership with Institute for Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), making AIAASC the only international accrediting body to integrate an Open Educational Resources Hub (OER) into its members’ services. This affiliation enhances teacher-to-teacher interaction with access to pioneering education tools and case studies shared by K-12 educators. Organized by subject and theme, members will have free log in to this collection of engaged pedagogies, creative education materials and project-based teaching and learning strategies.
“We are excited about the Open Educational Resources Hub which is expected to increase quality education through content sharing, active participation and co-creation amongst K-12 educators. The hub offers exciting opportunities for systemic change through dialogue, participatory exchange as well as exploration of new learning technologies.Its comprehensive network of curricula experts and instructors fosters a culture of sharing and continuous improvement among educators. The digital library was pioneered to provide knowledge management, educational innovation and future-proof student learning outcomes to match the 21stcentury demands,” said Dr. Kovach.
The global pandemic has created challenges and opportunities across educational landscape. Strengthening accreditation culture through innovative and disruptive creativity, has been a top priority for AIAASC. Providing quality certification services to K-12 schools, colleges, universities as well as online education providers, is the main focus and mission of the organization. Embedding UN SDGs’ and ESD into their accreditation standards and processes, is a strategic advancement to meet the demands of the 21st Century with a sense of promise to transform the world through the power of education.